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American Nigora Goat Breeders AssociationBylaws

The ANGBA Board Members
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We, the Board of Directors, with the object in view of providing regulation favorable for the implementation of, and pursuant to, the Constitution of the American Nigora Goat Breeders Association (ANGBA), do hereby adopt these Bylaws.


Section 1

Application for membership shall be completed through the official ANGBA website and shall be accompanied by annual dues. The application shall be in accordance with a design as established by the Board of Directors.

Section 2

Annual dues shall be set by the Board of Directors and the Membership will be notified via email. All membership dues shall be due annually on the first (1st) of January. Dues not paid by the end of the month of January will be considered to be in arrears, resulting in all membership benefits being suspended until dues are made current.


Section 1

The Officers and Regional Directors shall be elected by a ballot of the Membership. If only one candidate is identified for election to a position, that person will assume the position by acclamation.

Section 2

The newly elected Officers and Regional Directors shall assume their duties on the last Monday of the month following election proceedings.

Section 3

The President (or his/her appointee) shall:

  1. Maintain general supervision of the affairs of the Association, in accordance with his/her place as the Chief Executive Officer of the Association.
  2. Preside at all meetings of the membership, report to the members, and make suggestions that she/he may deem advisable.
  3. Be an ex-officio member of all committees.
  4. Call for regular committee reports and see that all committees function properly.
  5. Appoint members to committee chair positions not filled through elections and fill Board vacancies, as described in the Constitution.
  6. Ensure that the resolutions of the board are put into effect.
  7. Appoint the newsletter editor and assist to obtain relevant news and information, to be published in the Association newsletter.
  8. Develop and suggest guidelines and strategies to improve Association effectiveness and efficiency.
  9. Present propositions to the Board of Directors or to the members which pertain to administration policy by separate emailing, USPS mailing, social media sites, or through the newsletter of this Association.
  10. Ensure active and effective communication within the Association.
  11. Represent the Association in matters not otherwise provided for.
  12. Maintain an activity/history log for transition to successor.
  13. Approve the agenda for all Board Meetings.
Section 4

The Vice President shall:

  1. Occupy the position and perform the duties of the President, when, for any reason, the President is unable to perform such duties.
  2. Generate the agenda for the Annual Meeting of the Membership with input from the Board.
  3. Actively participate in all board meetings and decision-making.
  4. Perform any additional duties requested by the President or the Board of Directors.
  5. Maintain an activity/history log for transition to successor.
Section 5

The Secretary shall:

  1. Be the recording and corresponding Officer of the Association.
  2. Keep accurate minutes of the Association's activities and meetings.
  3. Conduct the Association's correspondence and maintain files for all correspondence.
  4. Ensure notice is given for upcoming meetings and elections.
  5. Ensure Officers and Directors receive copies of meeting agendas and minutes.
  6. Actively participate in all Board Meetings and decision-making.
  7. Maintain an activity/history log for transition to successor.
  8. Maintain an electronic historical archive of all motions and decisions made by the Board or members.
Section 6

The Treasurer & Assistant Treasurer shall:

  1. Serve as Financial Officers for the Association by holding the originals of documents pertaining to Association business, maintaining Domain names and passwords used in Association business, and making sure that all Federal requirements are met to secure the Association's tax-exempt status.
  2. Have the ability to manage general bookkeeping procedures.
  3. Maintain custody of the Association's general funds and disburse those funds as authorized by the vote of the membership and/or the Board of Directors.
  4. Coordinate with and assist the Board of Directors in completing the annual approved budget.
  5. Record and report all income and expenditures against the annual budget.
  6. Receive and deposit funds, make sure accurate records of all receipts and disbursement of Association funds are kept, and reconcile the Association's bank account(s) monthly.
  7. Participate in all Board of Directors meetings and decision-making.
  8. Prepare a Treasurer's Report, including quarterly reports, to present to the Board of Directors and to the Newsletter Editor for publishing.
  9. Prepare a report for the Annual Meeting showing income and expenses, along with a statement of the financial condition of the Association.
  10. Ensure, with reasonable notice, that reports, funds, books, and files are available to the Board for verification and inspection.
  11. Identify and recommend qualified successors.
  12. Each be responsible for training a successor prior to vacating the position.
  13. Maintain annual renewal of articles of incorporation with the Louisiana Secretary of State.
Section 7

The Registrar/Recorder and Assistant Registrar/Recorder shall:

  1. Document and authenticate submission of goats for recording, registration, and stud books.
  2. Issue Certificates of Record to owners.
  3. Actively participate in all Board Meetings and decision-making.
  4. Train successors prior to vacating the position.
Section 8

The Regional Directors shall:

  1. Provide support and serve as a contact for ANGBA Members within their region.
  2. Provide the Newsletter Editor with a quarterly regional report.
  3. Work with regional fairs, events, and local groups to promote and support the Association.
  4. Represent the breeders of his/her region to the best of his/her ability.
  5. Encourage new Memberships and welcome new members.
  6. Actively participate in all Board Meetings and decision-making.
  7. Maintain an activity/history log for transition to successors.
Section 9

The Newsletter Editor shall:

  1. Contact the Board of Directors and Regional Directors for newsletter input.
  2. Acquire Board approval of all publications used for public outreach and education.


In the event of the dissolution of the American Nigora Goat Breeders Association (ANGBA), any funds in the treasury shall be donated to an organization for the benefit of Nigora Goats, which will be selected by the Board of Directors prior to dissolution.


All rules and regulations of the Association that are in effect at the time of adoption of this Constitution and Bylaws and not changed by, or in conflict with, this Constitution and Bylaws, shall remain in effect until changed by the Board of Directors and adopted by the Membership via voting ballot.


Rules provide for the orderly, professional, and efficient operation of the Association. Rules may be enacted and amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board of Directors. Members may enact and amend rules by a written petition to the Secretary which must be signed by not less than ten (10) Members in good standing. The Secretary will announce the petition to the Board of Directors for action. If the Board of Directors declines to enact Membership, petitioned Rules, or amendments, the petition will be placed on the ballot for the next scheduled election. Rule or amendment approval requires a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote approval of the votes cast by the Membership.

Rule 1 – ANGBA Schedule of fees


  • Single — $12.00/year
  • Family — $20.00/year


  • Member — $5/goat
  • Non-Member — $10/goat

Transfer Certificate:

  • Member — $5/goat
  • Non-Member — $10/goat

Replacement Certificate:

  • Member — $5/goat
  • Non-Member — $10/goat
Rule 2 – ANGBA Regions

Pacific - WA, OR, CA, AK, HI

Western - MT, ID, WY, NV, UT, CO

Southwest - AZ, NM, TX, OK

Midwest - ND, SD, MN, WI, MI, OH, IN, IL, MO, KS, NE, IA

Southeast - AR, LA, MS, AL, GA, FL, SC, NC, TN, KY, WV, VA

Northeast - PA, NY, DC, MD, DE, NJ, CT, RI, MA, NH, VT, ME

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